A Taxi Driver 2017. Reality of Gwangju Democratic Movement대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-26 19:24:13

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In this week, A taxi driver, 2017 get the highest reservation rates in box office. It released in August 2nd, 2017, and total attendance reached 6,500,000. A taxi driver, 2017 has gotten attention before it released. And also Song Kang-ho won the prize of the best actor in Fantasia film festival.

A taxi driver was directed by director Jang-hoon and main chracter's castings are immense. Song Kang-ho made a role of taxi driver, Kim Man-Seop, Thomas kretschmann played Jürgen Hinzpeter, a german reporter. The movie is motivated about in May 18th, Gwangju. In that time, Gwangju was under military domination with controlled press. It is started with a taxidriver going Gwangju with Jürgen Hinzpeter and showing their challenges, risk, hardship and endeaver in the process of delivering the film of Gwang ju to make a news to spread Gwangju's fact. With Gwangju people's pains, injuries, and hope.

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 A taxi driver is a reality baed on documentary of Jürgen Hinzpeter. Real main chracter are a taxi driver Kim Sa Bok, and a reporter Jürgen Hinzpeter. He won the press prize in Korea and found Kim Sa bok, however he didn't find him. He passed away in January 5th, 2016, and coated in Gwangju. Among the making movie, productions find the name Kim Sa-bok in taxi driver association, but there is no name like that. Maybe it was the not real name because of the era. Beside that, in the movie, there are so many people helped them, like militarian who passed them though seeing the Seoul taxi sign, and people who helped to go out of Gwangju. 

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And those are also real based on Jürgen Hinzpeter's interviews.

Many people watched movie, and share the era's pain. However, that era's president Jeon Du-Hawn gave notice about the movie lawsuit. Beside that, a netizen made a twit, which produce himself that he is a son of Kim Sa-bok. There is a no certain things about his twit. Among this controversy, still many people visit the theater to watch A Taxi Driver,2017.

by August 26th, Kim Seo hyeon


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