Park Ki Yung retires from the job대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-11 10:33:41
  • 수정 2017-09-11 17:39:48

On 11th of August, Mrs. Park Ki Yung stepped out of being the person who manages the budget. This retire was decided by a lot of citizens and politicians. Many people argued for her retirement because of Hwnag Au Suk incident. Back in 2006, Mrs. Park Ki Yung and Mr. Hwang Au Suk announced a fake theory and shocked the whole world.

Hwang Au Suk incident happened 11 years ago. A scientist named Dr. Hwang Au Suk and Mrs. Park Ki Yung had a conspiracy of announcing a manipulated paper. When the paper was announced, the theory was reasonable so everyone thought it wasn't fake. 

But the theory went very controversial when a doctor found out that an important part of the theory was missing. The controversy went on and later it became clear that Dr. Hwang Au Suk's theory was nothing more than a manipulated paper. This situation is still considered one of the worst 'manipulation case' in the world.

Surprisingly, it was Bluehouse that picked Mrs. Park Ki Yung as a person who manages the budget of 20 trillion won. Of course, citizens and politicians tried to stop this because of what she had done in the past. Mrs. Park Ki Yung apologized but it still couldn't change people's mind. The main reason why people didn't want her to manage the budget was that Mrs. Park Ki Yung was not reliable. So that caused Mrs. Park Ki Yung to step out of the job.

The Bluehouse claimed that they wanted to show respect for her decision. In the end, they said they will listen to citizens before they make a decision or do anything. So with Bluehouse changing their mind and all the citizens arguing about this, Mrs.Park Ki Yung retired. We can all see that one mistake from the past can ruin the whole life.


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