Trump Signs New Executive Order on Immigration대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-05 15:47:40

On March 6th, 2017, Donald Trump, the president of the United States, signed a new executive order concerning immigration. This new immigration authorized by President Trump plans to reduce the amount of immigrants that come into the U.S considerably.

Anti illegal immigration has been a major part of his campaign and one of his election pledges. This policy will favor English speaking, financially stable immigrants that come into the country. Trump and the White House stated it will reduce unskilled immigration, help the economy, and protect the nation from foreign terrorists entering the country. Trump also said it will reduce poverty, increase wages and save billions of dollars for tax payers. "They're not going to come in and just immediately collect welfare.", said President Trump during his announcement of the new policy, However, this policy was met with more skepticism than optimism from Republicans and Democrats alike.

Many experts said that the immigration policy is not a wise choice, saying that it will do more harm than good. Luke Tilley, chief economist at Wilmington trust, stated it will hurt the economy saying, "If we were to cut back dramatically on immigration, it would pose a risk to long term economic growth,". The reason for this is because of the slowing population growth and the falling labor source.

▲ Immigrants crossing the Mexican border.

Americans have relied on immigrants as a source of labor for quite some time, and if the number of immigrant workers decreases, the labor force will also decrease, hurting the economy. According to the labor department, immigrants in the U.S are more likely to be working than Americans. Also, Kamal Essaheb, director of policy for national immigration law center, said this policy is an attempt to shift the blame on immigrants. He said, "We've seen this during the campaign and now we see this. This is a president who found his scapegoat."

Since President Trump announced his new executive order, there have been mixed reactions from both experts and civilians. Trump's immigration policy may be beneficial or not to America, but it will bring many changes to the economical situation and affect many people.

By: Kim Tae Kyun


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