Watch out for Hidden Cameras대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-22 11:55:40
  • 수정 2017-09-13 21:29:15

While the camera crime has been secretly stealing, a water bottle type camera called "Gangwon Gyungsang" is emerging as a controversy. Recently, various online communities rapidly spread the article "Watch out for Water Bottles". The water bottle is a plain blue plastic bottle that looks like a 500 ml beverage bottle sold on the market. However, it is equipped with a miniature camcorder.

This water bottle is sold at a special sale site for domestic

camcorders at 370,000 won. According to sales information on this site, the camcorder is mounted at the bottom of the water bottle. It is inconspicuous because it is camouflages by attaching a label sticker. There was also another event related to hidden camera. A Korean couple traveling in Japan found a hidden camera as a fire detector in a house rented through Airbnb. The couple, according to an online community, said they spotted a green light coming from a corner of the room as they were readying themselves for bed. The detector appeared to have a tiny camera lens pointing directly toward the bed.

The couple talked about what would happen if the detector was actually a hidden camera. Things went downhill from there. Shocked, they disassembled the fire detector and found a micro-SD memory card inside. The card turned out to have recorded everything that had happened in the room. The host of the home fitted with the alleged hidden camera was immediately banned from the Airbnb community and maximal support was given to the guests.

Camera crime is increasing day by day. In 2011, the number of hidden camera crime, which was 1523 cases, increased to 5,185 last year, about five times. It is illegal to shoot a camera secretly under the current law, but it is difficult to crack down on the act of selling or purchasing a very small camera because of its unclear purpose. In 2015, a new lawmaker of the Political Democratic Coalition initiated a bill to allow the sale of ultra-compact cameras to be licensed, but it was automatically abolished with the end of the 19th National Assembly.


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