China, Open up Fresh Possibilities for the virtual Universe대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-22 11:58:19
  • 수정 2017-09-11 23:14:46

▲ Movie, ˝The Matrix˝
Have you ever seen the movie, Matrix?

The man, 'Neo', knew by chance that the world he lives in is the virtual universe, and he tries to get out and notifies people of this world. It can be heard as a far future, but China succeeded the realizing of a virtual universe.

In July 28th, Chinese National Astronomical Observatory announced that they succeeded in the experiment which is making the virtual universe. The Chinese National Astronomical Observatory used super-computer named, "Sunway TaihuLight".

▲ Chinese super-computer, ˝Sunway TaihuLight˝

Sunway is the fastest supercomputer in the world, and it can do 9,3014 trillion addition and subtraction in one second; we call it as 93 petaflops. It realized the virtual universe with ten trillion digital particles, and it is also the largest experiment in the world. This June, in Switzerland, they also did the same experiment with two trillion digital particles.

According to the SCMP, "In astrology, researchers do an experiment which breaks the matter with many particles." and " The particles interact with each other by many physical forces like gravity, and we can reproduce and predict the evolution of the universe more accurately, when more particles are involved." In 1970s, super-computer can only experiment with one thousand digital articles, but only after 47 years, we can experiment more than 10 trillion.

▲ The virtual universe

I believe as the development of super-computer is getting faster, few years later, maybe I can see the realistic virtual universe. Also, many countries are trying to make virtual world and upload the consciousness of a person in the super-computer. If we can make faster computer and the computer which can calculate for a long time, and finally analyze the neuronal communication, maybe we could see Matrix.


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