Drink coffee on the roof대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-22 12:56:12
  • 수정 2017-09-11 18:13:45

▲ Roof top cafe`s drink
These days, people stay in the cafe for long period of time. They 
usually do their work in the cafe. So, the cafe is consistently 
developed. Nowadays, people show interests in a roof top cafe. Roof top cafe is like cafe name people drink a coffee on the roof. But it 
has indoor cafe, so in the winter they can’t go to the roof but they 
can drink in the indoor cafe. Introduce about roof top cafe detail.

Roof top cafe sells coffee, beer, pizza, salad and bread. The 
menu resembles brunch cafe. They usually drink beer at night. 
People can eat and drink on the roof they felt more delicious and 
they can eat in lie so roof top cafe’s interior makes comfort.

Roof top cafe is Receive attention charming prop. For example, flamingo tube, doll, pink merry-go-round table, grass carpet and charming light. This cafe changes interior in season and it follows the concept. So, it make interesting people and take many picture.

▲ Roof top cafe`s interior

In roof top cafe has many concept. For example, wedding, container and swimming pool. Wedding concept roof top cafe people can wear the wedding dress. In Swimming pool concept they can drink a coffee or juice in the swimming pool.

Roof top cafe has two opinions, Some people say that its good because there interior is so pretty and idea is Unique. But some people say that it is bad because employee is not kind for guest and they can’t washing up well.

Roof top cafe makes people feel happy. If you will come here at morning you can start a day happy and you will come at night you can see the great city’s night view.

[덧붙이는 글]

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