The Battleship Island대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-22 12:57:54
  • 수정 2017-09-11 18:01:15

▲ The movie title.

This movie was revealed at July 26th. The Battleship Island is one of a Japan's Island. Before this movie was revealed, many people had positive expectation . Because this movie's content is about history. Especially related to Japanese colonial period.

But this movie became controversial among audience. Because this movie does not have authentic content. So overall, some people said that this movie's content distorted history. The reasons why this movie is controversial is that the focus was not on Japanese. The Battleship Island's overall contents is an incident that happened by force of Japanese government. But this movie, concentrated on conflicts between Korea. And this movie did not contain content about Korean workers life. Lastly, this movie's controversial reason is that this movie occupied many movie theaters. Among 2758 screens The Battleship Island occupied 2027 screens.

▲ The Battleship Island

The Battleship Island has sad history. Many Korean people were taken away by Japanese government . Japan said "If you guys go to the Battleship Island, you can earn money." But it was not true. Korean workers got fooled. Mostly Korean people mined coals and labored. Also, Korean workers live in poor conditions. So this Island named Hell Island and Jail Island by the workers at that time. Although this Island has inconceivable history, many Japanese don't know this truth.Japan knows that the Battleship Island is their world heritage. Last time, infinite Challenge 's member HaHa went there. He witnessed a guide was explaining about The Battleship Island. But the guide told the information to many tourists which was not the truth. HaHa felt uneasy and angry. Also, that time audiences felt uneasy, too. If Japan distorts history continuously, people who don't exactly know about The Battleship Island will know the truth in a wrong way.

There is no future for the citizens who forgot the history.


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