The World Is Suffering from Voyeurism대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-22 13:07:50
  • 수정 2017-09-03 20:05:34

▲ Lots of kinds of hidden cameras

The news of hidden camera crime in Fukuoka Airbnb accommodation gave people a shock. A victim posted an article on the Internet, saying that when he lied on the bed, he noticed a hidden camera on the ceiling shaped like a fire alarm. It had mysterious green light aiming on the bed. When he searched on the internet, he found that the fake fire alarm hidden camera has been sold in the market. These kinds of crime are not distant problems with us. In a subway, bus, accommodation, even from lovers, and general people can be the target of the hidden camera crime.

The generalization of hidden camera crime is originated from the universal smartphones prevalence. In addition to smartphone, tremendous new hidden camera apparatus are multiplying nowadays. After the appearance of the ball point pen hidden camera, from wearable cameras such as glasses, caps, ties, buttons of clothes to bizarre cameras such as picture, lights, bottles, remote control, and many others are now spilling out. These generalizations trigger lots of general people to work together for the hidden camera crime. this voyeurism triggers criminals to spread videos even they buy and sell the video of hidden camera.

▲ way to prevent hidden camera crime

The video of hidden camera is now consumed as an adult video. The demand and supply principle is based on the spread of hidden camera. We need to pay attention to the fact that the videos of hidden camera are now more preferred to people than pornography that is made with an actor. A hidden camera video stimulates people's instinct because it is not a performance made with scenario, it is shooting real scenes. Even one websites had a contest of hidden camera video with the prize of 5,000,000 won. They secretly shot their sex video with their wife and girlfriend. People attracted by the hidden camera video become the money for the sysop of the website. They show the video to people for free, instead they make a profit from illegal advertising. According to a research conducted by the Korea Communications Commission(IPC) in the first half of 2015, the number of adult websites in the first half of the year is 110-700,000, and the number of monthly visitors is 4,600,000. Websites can be the big ground of illegal advertising.

There are reasons why hidden camera crime is absolute crime, but they cannot be easily eradicated. Most of the sites avoid police crackdown on servers, such as Netherlands and the United states, where the distribution of adult goods is legal. Though the broadcast committee is blocking illegal websites, it cannot catch up with adult websites. Once the site accesses the site, the operator immediately returns the service to the new name and addresses, and notifies the members of the new address via social networking services such as Twitter and social networking services.

There are some tips to prevent hidden camera crimes. First, with infrared camera, turn off all the lights in the room and turn on your phone camera, it is a hidden camera. Second, with one-way mirror, you should put your finger on the mirror. If there is a chink between your finger and the mirror, you can be exposed to the crime. We should notice that hidden camera crimes are not just impulse mistakes but aphrodisiac.


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