Copyright infringement대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-08 18:15:47

▲ Don`t download illegal downloads.

 Has someone stolen something from you? Copied your work without your permission? These kids of dishonesty have far reaching negatives effects on you and society.Copyright infringement gives an owner the legal right to own their creative work. It protects your creative work from illegal usage plagiarism. Moreover, It lasts up until 50 years after the person`s death. Plagiarism and copyright infringement are exactly that: what are plagiarism and copy righgt infringement?How do they negatively effect society and how can they be effectively avoided?

 The problem of copyright infringement is immoral act because Copyright inrfingemen is steal other`s data or programs. Somebody steal other`s thing is immoral act.

 The program has negative effects on make a problem for the copyright infringement. And in website cheating or steal other`s data or idea is one of the problem too. The company does`nt get original import. Copyright infringement has not good effect, it is very bad, and crime. When you copyright infringement you will be a criminal.The biggest problem with piracy is that it is illegal to steal others without permission.

Solutions are first, If somebody expoce circumstances punishment strongly like pay lots of fine and addition tax 5% and so on. Second, make more rules about somebody don`t steal other`s data or programs in cyberspatial with severe consequences.

 Third, carry into effects the prevention education in school at goverment. Last, It is also one of the ways of not committing illegal acts until you deceive yourself. There are several methods besides that.


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