Double-edged Raising Minimum Wages up to 7530 Won대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-31 12:07:49

On July 15th, Minimum Wage Council determined the minumum wages for 2018. From determined the minumum wages for 2018, it is the highest rate of increase from September, 2000 to August 2001.
What is the minimum wages? Is it needed? it is the lowest wage the worker can get and the nation can guarantee, It is needed to protect the low-wage earners. The nation helped them to get fair money along their works to be able to make them live just like human. Also, it is determined by worker's living expense, similar worker's wage, labor productivity, rate of compensation of employees to NI, and decision making unit. Based on them, 27 memebers participated in vote of 2018 Minimum wages, and 15 members voted for 7530 Won and elected.

As, the wages are increased up to 7530 Won, the influences will be polarized. In positive effects, it can contribute to distribution of income. Also, it relieves the workers' life and improves their productivity by giving fair cost to make them engergetic. Besides, it can make the fair competition and the rationalization of mangaement. However, thre are also disadvantages, expert said the workers who can get these advantages are just 14.5 percent . Then, higher personnels will have a serious problem rather than now. Moreover, the wage of part time job could be higher than the normal business's wages. In the business, the new worker and older worker's wages could be the same or similar if order worker's wages are higher than minimum wages because businesses do not want to be damaged.
Appearing this problem up to the surface of water, a lot of owner operators have worries. Then, the government would make the solution about them like decreasing the card commision to 0.7 percent, restraining of increasing rent, and increasing contract for a year. The raising minimum wages up to 7530 Won became a doubled-edged sword for everyone. To help people to live like just human, it needs to improve more than before.

By July 30th, 2017 Kim Seo Hyeon


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