Controversy on the Cancellation of the Memorial Project for Park Chung Hee대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-12-04 13:53:58

A dictator is defined as an absolute ruler. This means that a dictator possesses absolute power. So, a dictator can do anything that he wants to do.

In this country, there have been some dictators. One of them is Park Chung Hee. He came to power in 1961. He amended the constitution with the goal of long-term seizure of power. He was gunned down by Kim Jae-gyu. He was in power from 1961 to 1979, a total of 18 years. In his government, he controlled the press, and he also committed violations against human rights.

Today, there is a controversy regarding the cancellation of a memorial project for Park Chung Hee. The former president planned a memorial project for Park Chung Hee. However, the current president, cancelled the project. One of the typical cancellations is commemorative stamp for his birth 100 years ago. This was done on July 12th. On the contrary, Nam Yoo Jin, the Gumi mayor did a one-man protest against canceling the commemorative stamp. Then, a group also did one about against one man protest is.

In this case, I believe that I support these cancellations because those memorial projects are a waste of tax money.

Sep 5th, by 김민균


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