China cremates body of jailed Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-26 11:44:14

▲ Liu Xiaobo

Do you heard about Liu Xiaobo? If you know him, you are interested in human rights movement. Some Chinese reporters do not know him.

In 2000, Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to eleven years at hard labor. While he was in Jail, he was granted medical parole after being diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. In succession, he was treated for his symptoms. However, last 11th, he showed the symptoms of septic shock, organ failure, and critical symptom, and in the 13th, he died. After he was cremated him quickly.

Recently, the Chines government asked people to respect the wishes of Liu Xiaobo. Chinese spokesman said that, "We hope the relevant countries will respect China's judicial sovereignty and will not use so-called individual cases to interfere in China's internal affairs.".

The Novel Committee accused Beijing of having a heavy responsibility of his premature death and made a statment shortly agter death. Liu Xiaobo was chosen as the Novel Peace Prize winner in 2010, he but did not attend the awarding ceremony, with no departure of China. Actually, Liu Xiaobo fought for democracy and freedom in China for years and was jailed for it.

Liu Xiaobo was cremated and took his ashes... However, his friends did not like this way, but the government's claim that Liu's ashes had been scattered into the sea at the family's own request. His family did not allow his burial to be covered on TV.

At this moment, the body and local sources said "the determination of the Chinese authorities on the 13th after little more than two hours is the kind of Shenyang, the bodies transported to somewhere downtown." in Shenyang. The conflict over the funeral about the body of Liu Xiaobo becomes the reality of China's human rights record and a role in and around the world means.


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