Harmful Ozone Levels in Seoul대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-26 11:41:59
  • 수정 2017-07-26 11:46:17

▲ Ozone warning issued
At 3 pm on the 13th, ozone concentration in the northeastern area of Seoul was 0.120ppm / hr or more, and an ozone warning was issued in the northeastern region. The ozone warning was soon canceled, but at 4:00 ozone concentration exceeded 0.120ppm / hr in the Southeast Region and ozone warning was issued again in the southeastern part of Seoul. The ozone warning has been issued again in the Northeast region on the 20th.

Ozone warnings are frequently issued these days. What is ozone? Ozone in the stratosphere forms the ozone layer, which protects earth life from harmful UV-rays that comes from the sun. The ozone layer is beneficial to humans. 

However, ozone in the troposphere may have harmful effects on the human body and ecosystem. It irritates the human eyes and respiratory, also it damages crops. 

▲ How ozone is created
Ozone in the troposphere is created when the nitrogen oxides from exhaust gas and the hazardous substances in factories meet with heat. Therefore, ozone concentration is highest in the summer and especially between 2pm and 5pm when the amount of sunshine is high. If the ozone concentration becomes higher than 0.120ppm for 1 hour, an ozone warning will be issued.

Unlike fine dust or dust, ozone cannot be prevented by wearing a mask. Because the ozone is the molecules that makes up part of the air, it cannot be prevented by any small filter. 

Thus, when ozone warning is issued, you should stop outdoor activities and close all windows even though you are at home. What should we do to reduce the harmful ozone? 

It is not hard to follow some easy steps. 

First, use public transportation instead of using a car. 

Next, reduce usage of sprays with Freon gas and air conditioner. Also, do not open the refrigerator door often. 

Finally, walk short distances instead of using powered transport


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