Korea Juvenile Law.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-26 11:40:06

▲ elementary school student murder incident criminal
There was an elementary school student murder incident in Incheon which happen in March. The accused from incident are having a trial. The criminal counsel says “I want this trial finished before December”. It’s because of the juvenile law. The criminal is a teenager so she can demand the application of the juvenile law. Through this incident many people got interested in the juvenile law system. The juvenile law is abused in many trials.

Some teenagers commit crime like violent crime, driving a car without a license, drunk driving, special larceny, rape and other sexual violence crimes. Increasingly, criminals get younger and the kind of crimes they commit increase. So, juvenile law has a large effect on the Korean legal system.

▲ slap on the wrist
According to the juvenile law when teenagers commit violent crimes the criminal can get a maximum of twenty years of prison labor. When the criminal is teenager, their psychological condition is unrest so they get little punishment. If they are an adult they can get the death penalty or indefinite sentence but if they are a teenager they can get a disposition not to institute a public action or a slap on the wrist. Many people want the juvenile law to be consolidated.

The elementary school student murder incident in Incheon that was foresaid was an act of extreme cruelty. It was premeditated murder by a teenager. It has generated lots of opinion about how teenaged criminals get remission because of the juvenile law. We need to think about how we punish criminals and the type of punishment they receive just because they are a teenager.


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