Spongebob‘s pineapple house is escape the animation대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-19 15:20:10

 On September 14th, Nickelodeon built Spongebob's pineapple house on Dominican Republic Uvero Alto beach. It looks the same with the animation Spongebob's pineapple house. Pineapple house's interior looks the same with the animation, too. So, it received may attention from people.

Dominica Republic is in the tropical region. That is east of the Hispaniola. Occasionally, tropical storms and hurricanes occur, causing major disasters. So, if you go to the Dominica Republic, you have to be careful.


▲ Spongebob house`s interior

Pineapple house's interior is cute and it is the same with the animation "Spongebob". Many people think "There is a real pineapple house" or "I feel like l am in the sea". In pineapple house's living room, there is small Pingping statue, TV, and sofa, It same is the with the animation, too. When you go deeper, there is sea feeling furniture and up floor is bed room. There is Spongebob's bed. Many people wonder in animation Spongebob's bed is 3 layers mattress and pineapple house's bed is 3 layers, too. Unfortunately, there is not boat horn alarm. Some people don't like small and cute thing so they don't like this house. But it has good opinion for children.


 Pineapple house is on the Uvero Alto beach. Uvero Alto beach is good for summer vacation spot. So, many people visit the Uvero Alto beach. Surrounding the pineapple house there are big infinity swimming pool, spongebob statue, family restaurant, and water park. There are many public accommodation. So, we can enjoy the holiday.


But it is so expensive. If you have to story in this house for one day, it cost 4738 dollar. Lately, many children is vacation. So, it would be good if you visit this place with your friends , and family.

Spongebob house's interior 






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