Osaka, the memory of your life대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-19 14:39:32

 These days, many tourists from Korea have many choices of where to travel. They have so many choices of what place to go. One place we recommend you to go, is to Osaka.

 First, we will show you Osaka Castle. 

This place was built in 1583 and it was demolished in 1586, and restoration commenced in 1993. The castle functions as a museum and it was important in the unification of Japan in 16th Centery. Even here was the movie location for 'Godzilla Rages again' in 1985. This place is well-known and had a visitor rating of 3.8 stars. This is because when you go here in spring, you can see the harmony of Osaka castle and cherry blossoms. And It also has many rest areas.

 Second, we will show you Den Den town(NipponBashi).

We recommend you that visit Den Den town. We recommend this because of anime and electronic shopping. It is located in Naniwa Ward. You can buy Anime goods such as figures, posters, nendroids, t-shirts, caps,and comic book. You can buy consumer elecronics like cameras, cell phones, mp3 players, and other electronics. The convienient way to go to Den Den town is via the subway nearest station is Ebisucho station.

 Finally, we will show you Universal Studio.

Universal Stuidio has survived even though there are a lot of amusement parks in Osaka. So this means Universal Studio is a lot of fun than other amusement park. This place is like Everland in Korea. There attractions such as are Harry Potter, Hello kitty, Snoopy, The terminator, Jurassic Park, Jaws, and Back to the future in Universal Studio.

Osaka is a good place to travel for a holiday. Osaka is recommended so highly.


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