Internet Game Shutdown Policy Is Abolished대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2022-01-28 15:03:15

Internet Game Shutdown Policy is a policy that blocks the Internet game connection for teenagers from 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM. This policy was abolished on January 1st, 2022, which is ten years since the policy was adopted on November 20th, 2011. From this time, teenagers themselves or parents can regulate their own gaming time.

▲ Gaming Console

The Internet Game Shutdown Policy was adopted in South Korea in 2011. The goal was to prevent teenagers from getting addicted to Internet games. However, this policy had been criticized by many people for a long time because of the opinion that the government forcing teenagers to stop playing Internet games was an act that infringes teenagers' right to pursue happiness and civil rights. The argument was escalated after a young gaming prospect could not go up to a gaming competition final game because of the Internet Game Shutdown Policy. After many citizens claimed to abolish the Internet Game Shutdown Policy, the policy was abolished.

▲ Adolescents Gaming

As an alternative for the policy, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in South Korea announced that the Youth Protection Policy will be amended from January 1st, 2022. The amended policy includes "Game Time Choice", which is a way where teenagers or parents can set up their gaming time autonomously. It also includes that the ministry will support the counseling for the teenagers and adults who are game addicts much actively.

▲ Children Playing Internet Games

After the abolition of the Internet Game Shutdown Policy in South Korea, the alternative way for this policy is being welcomed by many South Koreans, especially teenagers. Many experts also state that changing the aspect of games by adults is much more important than simply forcing to stop teenagers from playing Internet games.

2022/01/22 by Jeon Seung Hyun


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