South Korea Show Solutions to Reduce Carbon Emission Through CES 2022 in Las Vegas대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2022-01-28 15:02:06

▲ The view of CES 2022

South Korea participated in CES 2022, and it was held in Las Vegas. SK Telecom, SK Innovations. SKE&S, SK ecoplant, and SK Hynix took part in this event to show their improved technology for reducing carbon emissions. They set up a booth to introduce green ICT in the central hall having a theme about 2030 SK Net-Zero. Also, artificial intelligence-based solutions for chips and batteries and nickel-rich batteries will play a role to reduce carbon emission. These were shown on the center stage at CES 2022 which is considered the world's largest electronics show.

SK Telecom showed low-power chip technology, and its brand name is Sapeon. This Sapeon processor chip can save 20 percent power, and it will play a role in reducing carbon emission. Another SK affiliate, SK Innovation showed nickel cobalt manganese batteries also known as NCM9 It will play a role in reducing carbon footprints. Except for SK Telecom and SK Innovation, four more SK affiliates took part in CES 2022. They also showed various solutions about the theme 2030 SK Net-Zero to reduce carbon emission.

▲ LG participated in CES 2022 in Las Vegas

Hyundai Motor Company also attended the CES 2022 about virtual reality-inspired mobility. This automaker exhibited how robotics technology can work and connect the virtual world with reality in the metaverse. LG Electronics showed various solutions in reducing carbon emissions in daily life. They exhibited home appliances such as organic diode televisions ice makers, Ifland, and indoor gardening appliances called Tiiun.

This event was held only for three days because of COVID-19. The prospects of this project which are based on reducing carbon emission will play an important role in the near future.

By Um Ki Yoon


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