The death of Otto Warmbier대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-07-18 11:55:08

▲ His crying after a judgement

Otto Warmbier, who attended Virginia State University, went to North Korea via a Chinese travel agency in January 2016. He took away propaganda from North Korea on the wall to give to his family as a gift before returning home. North Korea regarded this act as an act of subversion and promptly arrested him. The trial was carried out, and North Korean court sentenced him to 15 years of hard labor.

Finally, Otto Warmbier returned to America in a coma after just 17 months and passed away in a few days, His family blamed the North Korean authorities for his death. US president Donald Trump called the North Korea a ‘brutal regime’. He said, “The United States once again condemns the brutality of the North Korean regime as we mourn its latest victim.

 More than 2,500 family, friends and well-wishers gathered for his funeral in Ohio on Thursday.On June 14 when Warmbier returned to America, he was in a coma. According to North Korean officials, “After Warmbier suffered from botulism, he took a sleeping pill and fell into a coma.” 

A spokesman in Pyongyang was quoted by Reuters as saying Mr Warmbier's death was "a mystery".

 Doctors said that he suffered from ‘severe neurological injuries’. And they added “The biggest culprit was a cardiopulmonary arrest, blocking the blood supply to the brain.”They also said there was no evidence he suffered from botulism.

A post-mortem examination was not carried out at the request of the family. The family maintain he died as a result of "awful torturous mistreatment".

 The United States and North Korea have already had much conflict over the nuclear issue. Otto Warmbier’s death has heightened tensions between two countries. Pyongyang has called Trump a “ psychopath”.

US president Donald Trump called the North Korea a ‘brutal regime'. And he also said, “The United States once again condemns the brutality of the North Korean regime as we mourn its latest victim. 

This incident is  likely to worsen the relationship between the two countries.


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