The Success of Nuri Launching대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-11-26 15:01:17

Nuri was launched in Naro space Center on Oct, 21. The GOal of Nuri, reaching 700 km in altitude, was achieved. It successfully achieved the first stage ignition, but it dropped in the process of the third stage ignition. Many experts and officials in KARI are not investigating the reason why it failed.

Nuri used a liquid engine, kerosene, which is cost-effective, but it is not reusable. In the first stage of the

▲ Nuri is the start up for space technology of Korea.

launching of Nuri, there was a front fuselage for complex, oxidizer tank for oxygen in liquid, tank connection, a fuel tank that contains kerosene, rear fuselage, engine support structure, and engine. KARI produced all these structures in the first stage. Stage 1 rocket will be separated when the rocket reaches 59 km in altitude. In the second stage, there was a front fuselage for the complex, oxidizer tank, tank connection, a fuse tank, rear fuselage, engine support structure, and engine. These will be separated when the rocket reaches 255 km in altitude. In the third stage, there was a pairing for complex, satellite for mimetic, oxidizer tank, tank connection, a fuel tank, engine support structure, and engine. All these stages were produced only by our technology.

▲ Many countries and companies like SPACE X use kerosene for rocket.

However, in the process of the third stage ignition, Nuri dropped because the pressure in the oxidizer tank dropped, and the engine thrust and acceleration decreased, so the engine combustion was stopped. The reason for the decrease of the pressure in the oxidizer tank is because of the seal of the oxidizer tanks, pipes, and valves or error of censors that controlled the pressure in the oxidizer tank.

Nuri is the first rocket that is made by our space technology. Despite its incomplete mission, Nuri is very successful, and it will be the first step for the development of our technology.

by Lee Seung Woo


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