The Adoption Programs for Afghan Refugees대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-10-25 14:30:15

▲ Afghan refugees who fled to South Korea

Because of the 2021 Taliban offensive in Afghanistan, a lot of citizens who are living there have evacuated until now. Also, lots of countries have opened some places for them, and South Korea is one of those. The Korean government has how provided many programs and activities for the adjustment and independence of the refugees in the future.

If the refugees come to a new country and try to adjust on their own, they will have a lot of difficulties, spending much time to adjust. The government of South Korea has provided various activities to help the refugees learn about the Korean language and culture. The government especially has focused on language education the most for the quick adjustment of the refugees who came to settle in South Korea. Also, the Ministry of Education in South Korea has provided counseling and language programs for the children, and programs about the education system of South Korea for the parents.

Moreover, the government institutions like the National Human Resources Development Institute in Jincheon have provided children with some sports programs such as Taekwondo and football. One 13-years-old Afghan girl in Jincheon who is learning Taekwondo said that she could learn and participate in any sport regardless of gender. Other children also expressed their satisfaction with the programs and said that they want to live helping Koreans. The refugees can have fun and learn about some Korean culture easily by participating in sports programs.

▲ Afghan refugees who are learning Taekwondo in Jincheon

South Korea has provided various programs and education for Afghan refugees, and they have adapted themselves to new surroundings and circumstances well in South Korea. The justice ministry said that the government will continue to provide necessary job training and education, tailored to individual demands, for their independence and assimilation. The government of South Korea has been trying really hard to make programs that can be more helpful for the refugees in the country now.

By Young Chae Lee


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