The Recognition of \"Squid Game\" in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-10-25 14:24:23

Recently, the Netflix original series "Squid Game" has become popular all over the world. According to FlixPatrol, it has risen to the top in 80 countries. Especially, in South Korea, its popularity is very high, and it is used as parodies on many platforms. However, it experienced a great controversy because of its carelessness.

▲ ˝Squid Game˝ is very popular all around the world.

In South Korea, "Squid Game" is very sensational. Moreover, it is used as a parody on many media platforms. For example, on TV programs such as "Comedy Big League" and "SNL Korea", many celebrities make a parody about "Squid Game" as humor. It is also one of the good content for YouTubers. For example, many YouTubers try to make bbopgi. It is featured on "Squid Game" as one of the games. Also, they make a parody on the popular scenes of the series and even play the real squid game. Moreover, in South Korea, there was a "Squid Game" experience center around Itaewon Station in Seoul. It was made by Netflix, spending a lot of money. It was a hot place among young people there. However, we could not go there now because it ended on September 26.

"Squid Game" was also controversial because of its carelessness. In one of the scenes, the phone number in the business card was the only way to participate in the game, and it gave a strong impression to the viewers. However, the problem was that it was the real phone number of one person. So, the man suffered from being called every time in every day. Therefore, Netflix changed the scene that exposed the phone number.

▲ In ˝Squid Game˝, the business card is only way to take part in the game.

Despite this controversy, the "Squid Game" is still popular in the world. Many people praise its story and color sense of the background. If you have not watched this series, I will recommend it for you to watch it.

by Lee Seung Woo


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