South Korea‘s Draw Against Iraq대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-09-20 15:16:14

Since August 2018, Paulo Bento has been coaching the Korean soccer team for three years. He has enough time to train the players and adapt to South Korea.

South Korea and Iraq had a game for World Cup qualification in group A. Since it was an official game, each team made their own best lineup. Many experts expected South Korea's win because of the clear difference of players. Many Koreans were playing in Europe, but any of the Iraq players did not. The strategic point was to defend Son Heung Min, a captain of the Korean soccer team. Korean soccer team made a bad result in the Olympics, and many Korean soccer fans were hoping for a great result. The evolution of the Korean soccer team was very good because all the European league players cheered for the Korean soccer team.

▲ Paulo Bento made Korean best team.

The result of the game was drawn with a score of zero to zero. Unlike many expectations, Iraq defenders made a great play against Korean explosive attackers. The players who did their best during the game were Son Heung Min of Tottenham Hotspur, Hwang Ui Jo of Bordeaux, and Hwang Hee Chan of Wolverhampton. Although South Korea dominated the game, Korean players' shoot accuracy made a draw. As people had high expectations, Iraq just made a great defense. To win this game, the players must have made much more shootings. Hwang Hee Chan said that the team will make a great result in the game against Lebanon. Also, Son Heung Min said that his pressure on captain's armband made him not to make much shooting in his team. He advised that Korean soccer cannot improve with this result. To make better results in prior games, Bento has to find a way to use Son Heung Min better.

▲ Son Heung Min is dribbling against Iraq defender.

The next game of the Korean Soccer team is against Lebanon. Lebanon is good at defending, too, so the Korean soccer team has to do their best to win the game.

By Kwon Seung Min


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