Korean Athletes in Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-09-20 15:10:00

Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games raised its curtain on August 24th. Twenty-two items and 540 games were played until September 5th. In the Paralympics, athletes from all parts of the world test their limits. They give a strong feeling to the world. They sometimes draw tears and leave a strong impression on people's hearts regardless of nationality. South Korea's athletes lighted up their stitches and efforts with splendid medals in this year's Paralympic games.

On August 30, three Taegeukgi were hung high and waved in the sky of Tokyo. Joo Young-dae. Kim Hyeon-uk, Nam Ki-won of South Korea's table tennis national team put each gold, silver, and bronze medal on their neck. Especially, Joo Young-dae, at age 48, was the first and only gold medalist in this Paralympic game. He became a disabled person in the summer of 1994 in a car accident. he started playing table tennis in 2008 for this physical rehabilitation, and his life became gold.

▲ South Korea`s table tennis national team won each gold, silver, and bronze medal.

On September 3rd, Joo Jung-hoon, South Korea's one and only national athlete for Taekwondo, made out a heart-warming sight. in the bronze medal play-off, he took the victory with a score of 24-14. Before the match, he said he would come to South Korea with the first medal on his neck, and he did keep his promise. When his medal was finally decided, he shed hot tears and could not get up for a while and soon enjoyed his overwhelming moment. His story made a national move once more. When he was two, he lost his hand in his grandmother's house when he put it in a cow forage cutter by accident. his grandmother, who felt a sense of guilt, could no longer recognize him because of dementia. Joo Jung-hoon said that even though he hurt his hand in his grandmother's house, he could still be able to play this game so he was thankful to her. Also, he added that he wanted to hang the medal on her neck.

▲ Joo Jung-hoon with his bronze medal on his neck.

One gold medal, seven silver medals,s, and eleven bronze medals, a total of 19 gorgeous medals were held in South Korea's Paralympic athletes bosom. It was a moment of pleasure for their unremitting efforts regardless of the medals. Every single game was dazzling, and it made the people pray with two hands. Their achievement set South Korea and the world on fire.

By Kim Won Hwi

September 11th, 2021


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