Healthy Foods대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-09-20 14:27:46

Today, lots of people are worrying about the virus, COVID-19. For this, people find lots of information to prevent this virus. Among them, there is so much information about foods that help us increase the immune system.

This information tells us about some foods that can help make our body strong and minimize the effects of that virus. The first food that can help us is garlic. Garlic has a sterilizing effect that can kill some viruses even if it is COVID-19. Also, it is able to make immune systems stronger. The second food is lactobacillus. It has lots of probiotics which can help us really strong. In kinds of these foods, yogurt, kimchi and lots of fermented foods can have lots of lactobacilli. The third one is fish which includes Omega-3 and DHA that can help our immune systems strengthen. Fish such as tuna, mackerel, or any blue-covered fish have lots of Omega-3 or DHA.

▲ the fish which is covered by blue colors help us from COVID-19

Then, why do lots of people want to get much information about these foods which can help our body safe from the virus? Nowadays, the number of COVID-19 infections is increasing rapidly. Just last week, the number of infectees are between 1000 to 2000. So, the government brought vaccines for people, but the number of vaccines was really little than we expected the first time.

▲ the vaccines which the government brought is really little amount in nowadays.

Therefore, lots of people looked for another way such as the foods to take or exercises.

Eating foods that are good for intensifying our immune systems keeps our body healthy and strong. However, eating these foods like fish or lactobacillus does not block and cure the virus, COVID-19, perfectly. Therefore, people need to do prevention of epidemics well like wearing face masks well or washing hands regularly.


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