The Future of the Metaverse대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-09-20 14:19:12

Can you find the commonality between Fortnite, Minecraft, and Roblox? These are the games that implemented Metaverse. Metaverse means the space crossing over the virtual world and reality. It makes people do social and economical activities. Since people's interest in Metaverse is increasing, many people expect the increase of Metaverse demands and development.

Metaverse helps everyone to be able to act in any social, economic, and cultural activities. It is divided into four types based on "augmentation and simulation", and "inner and external": augmented reality, lifelogging, mirror worlds, and virtual worlds. The demand for Metaverse is increasing due to the MZ generation (people who were born in the mid-1990s to 2000s) and the pandemic situation. Therefore, Strategy Analytics (market research firm) expected that the amount of Metaverse is 46 billion dollars now, but it will increase to 280 billion dollars by 2025.

There are examples of governments and companies which are using Metaverse. First, Culture Minister Hwang Hee organized the event in Metaverse and invited young artists. Hwang and others shared their opinion about the present culture and art policies and held a special virtual reality concert. It means that young artists expanded their offline recorded performances to the digital universe. Also, Hyundai Motor Company held the test ride event of Sonata N Line with Metaverse of ZEPETO. It became the first company that implemented a test ride event with Metaverse. These two examples show that the demand of Metaverse is increasing among the companies, and it makes people do cultural activities without meeting.

▲ Test ride event of Sonata N Line with Metaverse

Metaverse is the space where the virtual world and reality interact. It makes people do social, economic, and cultural activities. Mark Zuckerburg, the CEO of Facebook said that Metaverse is an internet world in which people can be a member of the world. Therefore, we can expect the future's wider Metaverse and our second life in there.

▲ Mark Zuckerberg says opinion about Metaverse

By Oh Kyoung Taek


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