The Whale Festival in Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-09-20 14:03:45

The whale was a common animal a long time ago, but because of whale hunting, it became of the animals that were in danger. So, Jangsaengpo Whale Culture Village holds a festival to protect whales, and it is called Ulsan Whale Festival. It is usually started during the spring-summer season. Also, the place where the festival is held is at Jangsaengpo Whale Culture Village. The festival allows people to think about whales.

The Ulsan Whale Festival provides various programs related to ecology protection. For example, there is a whale museum that tells people the history of whales, exhibits bones of whales, and gives trivia questions about whales. Also, making a stamp tower is one of the activities, and if you complete the challenges, you will get a limited gift about whales. However, the most meaningful activity in the festival is the Whale Challenge Run, a free event, which is especially meaningful as donations are made to protect the whales for every participant who completes the racecourse.

▲ The Picture of Whale

The purpose of the festival is the re-examination of the history during the prehistoric ages and the protection of whales. In addition, the activities of the Ulsan Whale Festival include everything that is related to whales. So, people who take part in the festival will have time to learn the history of whales and think about protecting them. Ramyang, who is a famous blogger, said that it was a time to experience many activities about whales, and there is no time to be bored because of many activities. She also said that even children can enjoy this festival. It only shows that there are many interesting activities for people of all ages.

Throughout history, whale hunting was a large part of the livelihood of Ulsan's early inhabitants. This festival was first started in 1995 and is now held by Whale Culture Organization. However, the Whale Festival cannot be held this year because of COVID-19, so many people surely miss it. If you want to get some information, will help you.

▲ This picture shows the parade about whale.


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