How to Be a Dentist?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-09-15 17:31:05

According to a website named Daily Dental, the first in rank for the most satisfying job is a dentist. Maybe most people know about it but do not know about how to be a dentist. A dentist diagnoses our tooth, prevents a cavity, and helps in the treatment and recovery of our tooth. Then, how can we be a dentist?

▲ The job of dentist

Before you search for a dentist, you have to know a school of dentistry. A school of dentistry is different from a usual college of medicine. In a school of dentistry, you are able to learn diagnostics, prevention, and treatment of tooth diseases. Then, there are three ways to be a dentist. Enrolling at a school of dentistry is the first way. Second, you have to graduate from a four-year course in a college and enroll in a dentistry technical graduate school. Last, you have to graduate from a four-year-course college before you can proceed to a school of dentistry.

▲ A picture of tooth

Dentistry is a six-year course. You may practice clinical training in the college where you enrolled. After graduating, some processes are left. First, you have to pass the dentistry comprehensive evaluation and earn a bachelor's degree. Second, you should pass the dentistry state examination by the national health personnel licensing examination board. Then, you can get your dentistry license and acquire a qualification. If you want, you can complete an internship and a resident doctor's process. The internship process is one year, and the resident doctor's process is three years. You can open your own dental clinic or be employed in other dental clinics after all the processes.

A dentist is evaluated as a great vocation. The job satisfaction of a dentist is in the first rank. Not only the job satisfaction, but the usual salary of a dentist is about 90 million won, a highly placed income level. The future and the fifth-place job for our well-being is also a dentist. How about having a pleasing job, dentist?

By Kim Kimin


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