International Fair of Shanghai American School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-31 10:29:59

Have you ever been to an international fair of some schools? It is a big fair that many students from different countries join and experience not only many interesting things but also the culture of many countries. This big fair is being happened in many countries, and one of them is in Shanghai American School, but it is special. This school is the biggest international school in Shanghai and has many students fair happens in this school, it is the best chance to experience other countries' cultures, so this event is very important, and many students from different countries. When the international fair happens in this school, it is the best chance to experience other countries' culture, so this event is very important, and many students join.

▲ Picture of the Shanghai American School

For school introduction, Shanghai American School is a school that has the biggest scale and the longest history. It was established in 1912 and closed in 1949, but reopened in 1980. This school has over 3000 students from 45 countries. Shanghai American School(SAS) educates high-quality English, so their students have great English skills. This school is the place where many students from different countries study, and students are well-integrated.

▲ It is one of the scenes at the International Fair that students and other people enjoy

At the international fair, many students enjoy the event and play with other friends with a smile. Many things are prepared for the international fair. Additionally, the principal of Shanghai American School said that the purpose of this event is to make time for students to enjoy and to understand each other through international fairs while learning and experiencing different cultures. This is the event for students to enjoy and understand each other. As many students from different countries are in school, there are many kinds of events like a talent show where the students can show their talent, many foods, and other simple things that people can enjoy. This sounds not special, but it is very interesting and special because the school has prepared about the culture of different countries. So, it is the reason why many students can enjoy it.

This international fair is a good chance for students to experience the culture of other countries. Therefore, all students around the world participate in this event, and it is good for students to enjoy the culture and understand each other. To join the international fair is a good way. However, it is the best way to experience the international fair and be introduced to not only other countries but also Koreans for all students.

By Yoonho Lee


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