The Chance for a Medal in Women‘s Volleyball대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-31 10:29:00

Recently, in South Korea, the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics is popular among people. However, the most popular event among people is obviously women's volleyball. In women's volleyball, our players showed remarkable results in the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics and many people wish to get a medal.

In a group stage, our national team defeated the fifth-ranked country Japan. It was estimated as a good game. Moreover, in another group stage, our players won the match against the sixth-ranked country Dominican Republic. At that time, people in South Korea were gradually anticipating our winning in the next match. Finally, at the quarterfinal, we had a match against Turkey, the fourth-ranked country. Our players defeated Turkey's national team after playing a seesaw game. The crowd just went wild. Moreover, after winning the match against Turkey's national team, the rank of South Korea's national team in women's volleyball reached from 14th rank, the rank before the Olympics, to 11th rank.

▲ Korea`s women`s volleyball team won a match against Turkey.

▲ She is a famous volleyball player all over the world.

After the match against Turkey, the next opponent of South Korea's national team was Brazil, World's No. 2. Before the match started, one of the Brazilian players tested positive in a drug test. Finally, on August 8, the match started, and our team failed to go up to the final match, with a straight-set loss against Brazil. World's No. 2, Brazil easily handled the 11th-ranked, South Korea, with the score of 3-0 at the Ariake Arena in Tokyo. because our national team lost the game in the quarterfinal, they will have a match against Serbia at 9. a.m. on August 8 to get a bronze medal in the Tokyo Olympics.

Since there was no medal for South Korea in the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics on women's volleyball vet. Many people wish to win the match against Serbia to get a medal.

by Lee Seung Woo


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