Parents‘ Opinions About Their Children Getting Vaccinated대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-26 14:14:11

These days, as coronavirus is getting worse, many people are being vaccinated in sequence. While the number of people who are vaccinated is increasing, the concerns about being vaccinated are also increased. Recently, a policeman who was just vaccinated died because of the corona vaccine. This accident affected people's decision whether or not they would go for vaccination.

▲ About sixty percent of parents willing to have their children vaccinated

According to Busan National University Hospital, about sixty percent of parents are willing to have their children vaccinated. However, most parents who are not willing to have their children vaccinated said that they are worried about the vaccine's side effects. This survey also showed that parents were more willing to be vaccinated themselves than their children. There was 77 percent of parents said that children should be inoculated while 49.6 percent of children should like to take the vaccines. There was 52 percent of children expressed their concerns about the side effects after being vaccinated. Anaphylaxis, headache, fever, muscular pain, and tiredness are the side effects that we can have after being vaccinated. There was an accident lately about the vaccine's side effects. Also, this affected people about the concept of vaccines.

▲ Several side effects affected their decision of being vaccinated.

Recently, a policeman in Gumi passed away after his vaccination. He did not have an underlying disease. However, the quarantine authority and government did not give a clear answer about the compensation system. Assemblymen said about this situation that in the meantime, the government has said that it will fully compensate for the deaths caused by vaccination. That way, the people will not get worried about getting vaccinated, but they should trust the government and respond to it.

As problems of the vaccine's side effects are increasing, people have growing concerns about being vaccinated. Coping with the side effects should be considered for the sake of parents and children.

By Um Ki Yoon


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