All Climate Change대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-26 14:06:10

South Korea is famous for having four seasons. However, the number of seasons will be drastically reduced due to various climate change factors and environmental pollution. Not only the possible changes of seasons but also many other problems emerge because of climate change. It is the most serious problem among man other environmental problems. It can pose a threat to people and ecosystems.

▲ Factor of Climate Change; Global Warming

First, climate change is literally caused by various environmental and artificial factors. The factors that cause climate change is divided into two things. First of all, there are environmental factors that cause climate change. Especially, global warming has a big role in this. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gas which consist of carbon dioxide. In other words, climate change is caused by carbon dioxide generated by the greenhouse effect. Moreover, changes in solar activity, the astronomical relativity position of the sun and the earth can cause climate change. Aside from the natural factors, there are artificial factors, too. Fossil fuel use, an increase of garbage, and deforestation can be some of the artificial factors.

As we know, climate change gives many serious effects on many things. For the environmental aspect, sea levels rise because of melting glaciers. Sometimes, there are strange weather conditions like torrential rain. Also, in the ratio of the seasons, the temperature during summer and winter increases more than the seasons of spring and autumn. For the social aspect, the human property is damaged by climate change. For the human health aspect, there are serious heat waves that can lead a person to death. Moreover, many different diseases can cause an epidemic. In particular, serious diseases like malaria is expected, so we are in a very serious situation.

▲ Climate Change`s Serious Effect; Melting Glaciers

Like these, climate change is a serious problem that we need to solve. To prevent climate change, we need to prevent many environmental problems like global warming. We need to be active in eco-friendly practices such as practicing energy-saving activities, using environmentally-friendly products, participating actively in waste recycling, planting and cultivating trees. Climate change is a problem for all of us, and we must solve it together.

by Kim Yuchae


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