The New Swimming Star, Hwang Sun-woo대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-26 14:03:35

In Tokyo Olympics, Hwang Sun-woo appears as a new Korean swimming star after Park Tae-Hwan. He broke South Korea's previous record of 200 meters freestyle and Asian record of 100 meters freestyle. Unfortunately, he could not win a medal. Nevertheless, he showed himself in the world.

▲ Hwang Sun-woo is starting his race.

Hwang Sun-woo's main competitions were the 100 meters and the 200 meters freestyle. In the evening of July 25, he broke the Korean record in the preliminary contest of 200 meters freestyle for 1 minute and 44.62 seconds. In the morning of July 26, he recorded 1 minute and 45.53 seconds in the semi-final. He advanced to the final round, and that happened again after nine years from the time of Park Tae-hwan. In the morning of July 27, he recorded 1 minute and 45.26 seconds and took seventh place. In the final race, during the first 100 meters race, he went ahead faster than the previous world record holders, however, in the last meters, he diminished in speed because of exhaustion. After the race, he said he tried to be faster than the international swimmers, so he overdid in the opening part.

▲ Hwang Sun-woo is swimming with powerful strokes.

On the evening of July 27, Hwang Sun-woo went to the 100 meters freestyle race, and he recorded 47.97 seconds in the preliminary contest and broke the Korean record. In the morning of July 26, he recorded 47.56 seconds in the semi-final round, and it was the new Asian record. It was surprising that he broke the record, and on the next day, he broke the record of his performance on the previous day. In the morning of July 29, he recorded 47.82 seconds in the final round, and he took fifth place.

According to the coach, Hwang Sun-woo is still growing, and he did not have any weight training because he is in the growth period. This is the reason why he is expected to be better in the next Olympics in Paris in 2024. I hope to see his advanced figure.


By Taeho Kim


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