One of the Most Influential Persons in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:39:49
  • 수정 2021-08-07 08:40:10

King Sejong the Great has been thought of as one of the greatest kings in the past since then. He tried to make a better nation for the people and developed the culture of Korea in many ways. He developed music and science and technology, and he also created Hangeul, his major achievement among his many achievements.

First, he provided the base of Confucian politics so that the next kings could govern the nation based on it. The politics of the Joseon Dynasty mostly consisted of Confucian politics. King Sejong the Great based on it, and the next kings could use it comfortably. Also, he created Hangeul, which is called Korean these days. He made Hunminjeongum, a book that explains Hangeul. It is also so easy to learn that the illiteracy rate then was reduced. Many people can easily learn Hangeul and even make books or buy books. So, many people think that it is the most important achievement of King Sejong the Great. It is also has been used by many people since then until nowadays.

Not only creating Hangeul and making the base of Confucian politics, but he also developed culture and science, and technology. He made many musical instruments like Pyongyang and made a score of music called jeongganbo. He had an absolute sense of hearing, and so he could fix the sound of musical instruments. Also, there was a great scientist in his time, Jang Yeong-sil. However, he had a low social status that he could not let people recognize his ability to make inventions. One day, King Sejong the Great found Jang Yeong-sil, and he finally recognized his ability, and they made many inventions such as a rain gauge, a celestial globe, and other things for astronomical observations. These inventions have influenced people even these days. So, these are also thought of as important inventions.

However, King Sejong the Great also had hard times creating Hangeul and recognizing the ability of Jang Yeong-sil because of heavy resistances of retainers. Why did retainers resist at that time? It was because if Hangeul is devised, they could not tyrannize and cheat people by contract. Also, Jang Yeong-sil was a slave. At that time, social status was really important, so retainers resisted severely. However, King Sejong the Great did not give up. He pushed for his achievements and finally succeeded.

King Sejong the Great really considered his people and governed the nation very peacefully. Until now, he is thought to be the greatest king in Joseon Dynasty.

By Seo Hye Ji


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