The School Athletics Competition대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:38:05

Have you ever been to school athletics competitions? The school athletics competition is a special event that schools held for students to strengthen the class's unity and release their stress from studying in South Korea. Most of the schools in South Korea hold this kind of event every year. It is held in October usually.

Dong Pyeong Middle School has many events such as tug of war, relay, jump rope, mission running, and so on. The competition is progressed by each team that is each class. First, the school holds a preliminary round before the day of the school athletics competition to decide which team will join the next day. On the day, the teams that win in the preliminary round compete with other teams like a tournament. Then, judges sum all the scores of each class and the team that gets the highest score win and get a prize from the school.

▲ picture that people is competing.

The school athletics competition has special events, too. It is a talent show of the whole school. Anyone of school student can enjoy and participate in it with friends or alone. Students prepare dancing, singing, or comedy act that they are confident of. It is a chance to show their talent to many people. Also, each class should prepare their shirt with the class fee. Some classes are a costume of a character with a class shirt. Students make them up with a unique hairstyle that they cannot have usually and makeup splendidly. Class shirts, unique hairstyle, fancy makeup make students more excited.

▲ picture that students are wearing a class shirt.

The school athletic competition gives students a positive effect. Students can release their stress from studying, become more familiar with classmates that are not familiar, show their talent to many people, and find their talent during the school athletic competition. Because of COVID-19, most of the schools could not hold the school athletics competition, but I wish that most of the schools can hold the school athletics competition this year for students. The school athletic competition clearly can be an unforgettable memory for many students.

By Shin Chae Min


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