The PPT Presentation of Students About Their Dream and Role Models대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:34:31

These days, a number of people live having their own dreams and role models who fit into their dream. Especially, those are so important to students because of their future careers. So, lots of schools are doing a variety of activities related to those things like the free semester system, wherein students do not take an examination and do activities instead that can help them their dream and achieve it in the future in place of examinations during a semester. So, in Guyeong Middle School, we did a school project, a PPT presentation about our dream and role models.

▲ Students prepare school project

This school project was executed in English class, so students should use only the English language while making PPT and presenting to other students. In order to start the project, students make a team and choose their role models individually. Moreover, they research various information about the role models they choose. After researching, they make a PPT with content that introduce their role models and searched information using English only. Finally, they present it in front of students and teachers. This school project has proceeded like this.

▲ student announce the PPT (Source: JoongAng Ilbo)

Through this project, students had a good chance to know more about their role models and it was also a really great experience to make PPT and present in English. Students improved their English skills, too. Moreover, students who did not have or could not decide their future dream were able to find their dream or choose their role model. According to an interview with a student of Guyeong Middle school, she said that this school project was excellent for her since it helped her to choose her future dream and role models and improve her skills English.

The result of this project is that students who did not have a dream now have a dream and role model, and students can look into their future careers. Moreover, through other presentations, students are inspired by other students' dream and role models and their thinking scope associated in career is now wider than before.

By Hye Jeong Yun


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