Ulsan Maduhee Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:30:17

How many festivals does your city have? There are a lot of festivals everywhere. In Ulsan, there is one traditional festival, and it is the Maduhee festival. It is recorded in the "Haksoengji" in 1749, the 25th year of King Yeongjo's region, and its origin can be seen. Ulsan is a place where Dongdaesan Mountain and Jengnungsan Mountain can be found. Ulsan has many cultural events, and of these is the Maduhee Festival. It is considered the largest tug-of-war game, and it includes wishes for driving out evil spirits and bringing peace.

First, Maduhee is held at Jung=gu, Seongnam-dong every year in October. Its content is subdivided, so people can enjoy what they want to do. In the festival, there are many yards where different activities are done. These are the large Maduhee's yard, performance yard, participation yard, and traditional yard. In Maduhee's yard, there are many activities that are done such as the biggest tug of war, alley line performance yard, fringe performance, professional street performance, and cubic story. In the participation yard, many activities are held such as madurang citizen parade, Ulsan big baby contest, a round-city tour with commentary on the story of Ulsan big baby, Maduhee memory street, photo contest, and dragon boat and alley tugging experience.

▲ Ulsan tug of war

In the exhibition yard, many activities are also held such as Maduhee's wish, traditional craft, and baby rope twist. In the traditional yard, we can participate in the national sound contest, Keongnam hanbok festival, Dano hanmadang, and Dano experience madang.

▲ Maduhee character : Mari, duri

In conclusion, the Maduhee Festival establishes the local brand image of Jun-gu Ulsan Metropolitan City by preparing various cultural contents, inheriting and preserving Maduhee. Maduhee shows the culture of Ulsan, and it is an opportunity to promote Ulsan. Let us enjoy Maduhee Festival to feel Ulsan.

By Jo Eun Seo


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