The Coronavirus Disease Vaccine대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:07:25

These days, coronavirus disease is the most serious problem in South Korea. So, a vaccine is made to solve this problem. It is expected to make us go back into normal daily life. However, South Korea has faced difficult times to secure a vaccine for all people. Despite this problem, we should know the effects and features of the vaccine.

The coronavirus disease is spread by an infectee's respiratory spray, direct contact with him, surface contact, and air. Moreover, it causes respiratory and gastrointestinal tract problems. The symptom of the coronavirus disease appears variously such as fever, dry cough, dizziness, decreasing appetite, and fatigue. People can prevent it by washing their hands and disinfecting the places around.

▲ Coronavirus Disease

There are many kinds of the coronavirus disease vaccines such as the AstraZeneca vaccine, Pfizer vaccine, and Sinopaharm vaccine. AstraZeneca vaccine has been tested in a large clinical trial. This vaccine is safe and effective. Then, it has about 89 percent positive effect. Also, it is easy to produce and can be mass-produced, and it has a few side effects. Pfizer vaccine has been tested in a large clinical trial, too. This vaccine has about 90 percent positive effect. It was the first vaccine to be widely administered to the general population. The Sinopharm vaccine is WHO's first approved emergency use. This vaccine is an inactivated vaccine. The coronavirus disease vaccine has minor side effects such as fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, and fever.

▲ Coronavirus Disease Vaccine

Coronavirus disease is one of the most important problems in South Korea. We have to wash our hands and disinfect the places around us, and we have to know about its vaccine to prevent more damages. If we know about the coronavirus disease well, we can solve this problem.

by Wang Jihwan


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