A Moot Court in School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-08-07 08:05:32

What kind of projects have you done in school? In school, there are a lot of projects, such as a drawing project in art class, and a campaign about protecting the environment in science class. Among all, there is a special project that was progressed in one of the schools in South Korea. The name of this project is "A Moot Court in School." It is related to social study class and was enacted to teach students to conduct trials in a more interesting way.

A moot court is done by holding a fictitious trial, and this aims to educate students about trial and the roles of several jobs like lawyers. Originally, it was done or the students of the department of law in college. However, as time passed, it was implemented in not only college, but also in middle or high schools, and competition in it is also enacted for diverse students.

▲ a picture of holding a moot court competition

The middle school which held the moot court project proceeded a moot court through this procedure. First, students should discuss the case that they will play. Then, they should select the roles, such as a lawyer, a judge, a suspect, and even a witness of the incident. When they finish all of that, they start to search and gather information about the case that is similar to the incident they choose. After searching, if they feel that the information gathered is enough to make scenes, they begin organizing the plot of the case and also a moot court. They practice with the plot they made approximately for a week. After the period of practice, finally, they do the moot court in front of the other students and have time to accept feedback. Then, the procedure of the project is over.

▲ a picture of progressing a moot court

This amazing project, a moot court in school, gave great benefits to the students. The students who experienced the moot court project said that this project was so good because they were able to learn in a more interesting way, and this is also a better way of understanding the concepts of the court than only learning them through textbooks. Not only that but also they were able to have a great chance to think about their path in the future for they were able to learn about many jobs related to court and were fascinated by these glamorous jobs. They also opine that they were able to improve their teamwork since they had to collaborate with one another through all the steps in the process of this project.

Nowadays, in many schools in South Korea, the trend is to adopt the class with projects wherein students can learn in a more interesting way. A Moot A court in a School project is one of the examples of special school projects.

by Yesong Kim


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