Gwanju Bus 54대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 20:56:48
  • 수정 2021-07-24 20:58:52

There is a famous saying, "Once a mistake becomes life's mistake, once prudence becomes life's prudence." Like this saying, one mistake can change one or many people's life. I want to introduce one of the tragedies in South Korea.

▲ collapsed bus

There was a bus that took 17 people. This bus passed by "Hakson Building" that was going to demolish. However, when the bus passed in front of Hakson building, the building suddenly collapsed, and the workers were running to evacuate. However, the bus could not dodge the collapsing building and was buried under the building. It was caused by the carelessness of the company to reduce the money for the demolition, and the company chose to violate the role and chose a dangerous way. So, this bus accident happened.

The story of this accident makes people more grieved. Kim Myoung Woo. the student of Gwangju High School, was on the way home. On that day. he went to school for a group study. However, when the bus he was riding stopped, the accident happened. So he could not come back to his family's hands.

▲ collapsed bus

The tragedy was not ended there. On the bus, there was a father and a daughter. They were on their way to the hospital to meet their sick mother. However, the seat that they were chosen changed their life. The father who sat on the front seat survived, but the daughter who sat on the backseat died.

The worker knew the tragedy may happen but did not give a signal and continued to demolish. This tragedy could be blocked by them. However, they did not do any action. Just they went out from the building and saved their life. To avoid this situation to happen the company should use the safe way. The tragedy that happened from the carelessness is so regrettable and so upsetting. People in South Korea are waiting for the result. So, we should all help together as one.

by Su Geoung Woo


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