COVID-19, the Most Serious Problem in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 20:52:28

Imagine that your family had COVID-19. You might not believe the situation because it is a terrible thing. However, it is happening in South Korea every day, and we are facing the difficulty of keeping our lives in normal ways. This problem, COVID-19, will continue to cause a lot of problems.

Unlike previous diseases, COVID-19 is a very powerful one as it is a new type of respiratory infection. If you are infected with the virus, after the incubation period of about 2 to 14 days, respiratory symptoms, such as cough, shortness of breath, and pneumonia will appear. It gives many problems to our society. Let us look at the following examples and see what the implications are.

▲ COVID-19 virus model

The main problem of this COVID-19 is that it is difficult to prevent because of the respiratory symptoms. No matter how hard you try, it will be much easier to infect you if you are with many people. Also, people complain because they often get infected even when they are alone. However, there is a big issue about people's actions. Rich people often hold a party, so many people are infected. This became a big social problem in which many people get infected in a very short period of time compared with other transmission ways.

▲ A way to prevent COVID-19

There are so many ways to prevent these things. First of all, we should wear a mask outside and wash our hands clean when we come home. Moreover, we must avoid places crowded with many people. COVID-19-infected people should also help to keep others from being infected by following quarantine rules and the government should make a necessary policy for the people so that everyone will be aware of the situation.

Many people say that COVID-19 will become more and more fearful. In a way, it is obvious. It is stronger now, but how strong will it be in the future? But, we have to keep trying to prevent the spread of the virus. That way, our descendants can survive easily.


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