Seoseon Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 12:42:39

Do you know about Seoseon Festival? At this festival, students can watch performances with teachers and can also perform themselves. Seoseon Festival is a festival wherein only students and teachers can participate without parents or outsiders. Seoseon Festival is held at the start of fall.

The festival is held at KBS Hall or the school gymnasium. There are various sorts of performances such as dramas, singing, musical, play, dancing, playing of instruments and more. It usually runs for about five to six hours. It has two gymnasiums, with the third graders and teachers watching on the first floor, and the second and first graders watching on the 2nd floor. From what I experienced, I enjoyed the Seoseon Festival in my first grade, but last year, it was very disappointing to do it online due to the risk of corona infection, and I hope we can actually watch it this year.

▲ It is a performance by class.

Also, performance groups are various. Western Fairy is the representative club of our school. It is a dance club. Band club is also fascinating! It got many awards from Ulsan. There is also a class performance. We usually practice it almost every day before the performance. If you want to perform, but you do not belong to a club, you can perform alone or with your friends. Only teams that pass the first interview will be able to stand and perform on the stage. The specialty of Seoseon Festival is that the festival is led by a former church president. Teachers only perform or watch, and they do not intervene in the festival's progress.

▲ A picture of a club performance.

Students are looking forward to participating in Seoseon Festival. Seo Girls' Middle School has a lot of events such as aerobics, dodgeball, and booth. However, Seoseon Festival is really an important festival, so third-grade students are looking forward to joining with the first and second-grade students who did not experience Seoseon Festival because of COVID-19.


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