No Boundary for Idol Groups대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 12:40:48

A few weeks ago, in spite of the danger of COVID-19, many people rushed into McDonald's. Because of it, some McDonald's stores even closed because of too many people. What caused them to go to McDonald's? It is the hamburger combo named BTS meal. The BTS meal was sold out very fast, and its wrapping is even selling through online stores at a high price. BTS is a boy group in South Korea, which has over 50,000,000 followers on social media. They are very famous not only in South Korea but also in many countries.

However, the start of BTS was not successful. They were organized in 2013 and made two albums, '2 COOL 4 SKOOL' and 'O!RUL8,2?' Their entertainment company, Big Hit Entertainment, was just a small entertainment company at that time, so they were not that known in Korea's music industry which consists of big entertainment. Because of that, their success was late.

▲ Big Hit Entertainment

When BTS made the album, 'The Most Beautiful Moment in Life pt.1', its title song won in Korea's main weekly music program. It made them known to people, and it was the fire on the fuse heading to their success.

▲ The Most Beautiful Moment in Life pt.1

What makes BTS very popular nowadays? The first reason is their Social Network Service activities. They have an Instagram account for their group and also a group channel on YouTube. The second reason is their music. New York Times interviewed African Americans who like BTS, and most of them pointed BTS music's cross-over and hybridity as the reasons why they love it. Nowadays, many people know BTS, and they became more popular. many stars want to collaborate with them, and they even went to the UN to have a speech. Their popularity will never end easily.

By Nam Guemin


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