The Job Experience Event of Guyeoung Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 12:37:33

Many schools have a difficulty in having various activities outside because of the challenges in controlling students and the danger of COVID-19 these days. However, Guyeoung Middle School believes it is important that students experience many things not only at school but also in other places. So, the school has prepared a job experience event in other places.

▲ Students that Experience Career
First, students will move to the venue by bus. As soon as they arrive, they will be divided into different subjects that they chose in advance. Also, they will have two hours to do their activities. The subjects' activities are related to the students' interests and environment preservation. One of the activities is creating musical instruments, which we usually call forest instruments. Students can make a musical instrument from the materials in the forest, and they can play it. Also, there is a titration technique. In the class, students can learn the relationship of the environment with technology. Aside from this activity, there are other various activities such as sawing trees and farming.

▲ Reduction of Event by the COVID-19
The venue of the event is located in the country's town. So, the students who take part in the event have a lesser risk of COVID-19 infection than other schools' students. However, it is not easy to avoid COVID-19. So, the number of people to be admitted to the activity area is limited to only 100 people. This is is the solution that the school has considered. The event continues until three days. Although students must have the activity for three days, they will still enjoy it as they have an interest in the subjects that they close and experienced.

Many students can enjoy the job experience event. They will learn other subjects or fields which cannot be learned at school. Thus, it makes students provoke their interest in the different jobs and surroundings. Moreover, students want COVID-19 to end and to enjoy outdoor events.

By Juho Lee


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