The Speech, Act Contest 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 12:36:20

By Baek Si Yun

Imagine that you are having a speech in front of many people and judges. Do you think it is really stressful? I would like to, but I enjoy some challenges like participating in contests such as English speech contests and writing rhetorically after reading a book. Among these contests, there is a contest that is everyone's favorite. It is The speech act contest. It is really special because it is held only at Daihyun Middle School in Ulsan.

A speech act contest is a contest in which each team is given ten minutes to write a play with a given topic and to memorize the script. Students cannot have any time to prepare for the contest in advance. They have to write and speak impromptu. Due to this, students need to have a strong mind even though they feel anxious when they get the given topic. After ten minutes, the teachers take the script. There, each team goes to the front and has a small play with the memorized play script.

▲ Having a speech is really anxious.

Ms. Baek and Mr. Jeong are the successive winners if this contest. Ms. Baek said that it was really an exciting and interesting moment because she likes to act and talking in English, Mr. Jeong also said that it improves his English writing skills. It was really effective to him because he did not have any such talent in acting, However, by winning in this contest, I noticed that he could be good at acting, too. In addition teacher managing this contest said that the purpose of this contest is not only to improve English skills but also o make a better future by having oneself in a speech and finding an aptitude.

▲ Talent in acting can be vocation after.

Although there are many positive things in this speech act contest, there are some negative things, too.

The positives are obviously the development of English skills. Also, it can help us decide on a future career. When we know our aptitudes, our decision to choose a career can be a lot easier do, However, the negative part about it is the fact that id focuses on English, so other important subjects can be turned away. Participating in this kind of contest is good but we should also participate in other contests on various subjects.


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