Airborne Wind Power in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-21 19:39:05

The existing wind power has limits when it comes to energy distribution. Recently, however, Makani Company, a subsidiary company of Google, developed a new wind power method. It is airborne wind power.

▲ The Existing Wind Power
▲ Energy Kites

Airborne wind power, which we take by installing a wind turbine, is divided into two types according to the place where wind power finally runs. The first type is aerial power generation. It proceeds as turbines on a device like drone, generates energy in the sky. Second, the terrestrial power generation makes energy through wind energy kites. Glider or kite, which is connected to cylinder on the ground, moves up and down and spins the cylinder. The main principle is the fact that the velocity of wind is proportional to height and becomes consistent. The airborne wind power gets an attention as new renewable energy. It is because the total potential energy of the airborne wind power is more than 1800TW, which is 4.5 times bigger than the existing wind power.

Some developed countries have steadily developed airborne wind power for a long time. In South Korea, KERI (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institue) upbuilds terrestrial power generation autonomously with the help of KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation) an Changwon. In a recent research, KERI needs wide flatland with good wind condition. Thanks to Changwon, it can utilize Masan Maritime New Town as a test bed. Airborne wind power is easy to apply. It is because it can be built through various systems from a mobile type to a grand scale one depending on its purpose and place.

▲ Masan Maritime New Town As a Test Bed

by Jiho Kim

July 17th


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