Beginning of Level Four Social Distancing Rules대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-24 12:07:45

Nowadays, some people think that it is okay to go anywhere because the number of infected people is decreasing. Such people's behavior caused a serious situation again, and the level of social distancing rules is upgraded from level three to level four. This means should not break the rules anymore, and we have to know level four social distancing rules in detail.

▲ It is a graph about the number of confirmed cases.

The situation of COVID-19 was alleviating before. So, there was a prospect that if the number of infected people decreases, and all people are vaccinated, it will be better. However, some people who do not have consciousness did not follow the rules and made it worse. Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum said that we will apply the four-level of new distancing to Seoul Metropolitan Area for two weeks from July 12th.

In level four social distancing rules, many things are changed and are different from level three social distancing rules. The first thing is private gatherings. Only gatherings with two people are allowed, and gatherings with three people are banned. Second, we can use sports facilities for only under two hours. Next, in schools, it is hard to go to school, so all classes are online classes. Moreover, in events like a wedding and ceremony, only under 49 people are allowed. Actually, we cannot go out freely anywhere.

▲ It is the explanation about level four social distancing rules.

Now that the special measure of distancing level four has been implemented, we all have to follow it to overcome this serious situation. If we act like before, COVID-19 will never come to an end, and we may have to wear a mask forever. So, let us acquaint the contents of level four social distancing rules and follow the guideline although it is really hard to do.

July 17th, 2021

By Park So-yoon


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