A School Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-16 10:48:53

In Bumseo Middle School, there are lots of school events such as athlete festivals, school trips, science events and art festivals. Among them, the art festival is the biggest event in the school.

This art festival is held every year before the summer vacation. Before the festival starts, the students prepare for about one month during their spare time in school. At first, they do some projects in their class like a market where students can buy other students' left-off items.

▲ The project which can sell or buy students left-off things

Also, the students can experience some jobs with a special teacher that will explain jobs. Then, they do some competitions in their classroom, and they can do other things such as playing some instruments and doing their special talents that other people do not usually do. When the students choose their classroom representative, their representative and them a special performance in front of all the other students in the school.

▲ The students who are doing a special performance

Finally, when the other students see the performance, they can choose the class that does really well. After the student's votes are finished, the winner can get some prizes where they can wish one for the class.

This art festival in Bumseo Middle School started in the first year after the school was built and opened. So, lots of people respect this festival. According to some students, they think this art festival gives them lots of social experiences because they can prepare many things without teachers are experience new jobs through this festival. For these reasons, they really like this school art festival.

Bumseo Middle School has an art festival with some interesting things. Because of COVID-19, this event isn't held in July but is postponed to the next semester. Students are looking forward to the upcoming fall to have the festival.


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