The King of Economic Society in Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-16 10:39:01

Lee Jea-Yong is the present chairman of Samsung Electronics which produces electronic goods and develops information and communication technologies. Also, Samsung Electronics is famous for making semiconductors which is a very important device for the manufacture of various electronic devices. Moreover, Lee Jae-yong is the son of Lee Kun-hee, the former chairman of Samsung Electronics, so when his father died, Lee Jae-Yong became the present chairman.

▲ (The CEO of Samsung Electronics, Lee Jae-Yong)

Lee Jae-yong was chosen as the most influential person in South Korea for some reason. The first reason is that he possesses the biggest part of the economic market, and he has a big influence not only in South Korea but also in other countries making Samsung Electronics a multinational corporation. The next one is Samsung Electronics has raised our nation's status to a higher level competing with other countries all over the world because the products are sold in all parts of the world. Lastly, Samsung Electronics contributes greatly to economic circulation. Samsung Electronics did many achievements such as becoming the first to invent a colored TV in South Korea, developing the 64K DRAM, and becoming the top manufacturer of mobile phones in 2011. However, after Lee Jae-yong became the chairman, Samsung Electronics, business profit increased. For instance, in 2017, Samsung became the top in terms of global business profits, and Samsung became the top in the semiconductor market globally because its business profits reached 239. 58 trillion won ad its Q2's business profits reached trillion won.

▲ (Record Development of Samsung Electronics)

How about its status now that we are experiencing COVID-19? There are many reports about Samsung Electronics such as, "Samsung, Reverse in COVID-19", "Samsung, Corona's Paradox", "Samsung, Despite COVID-19" and many more. With this, we can guess that Samsung is stable in spite of COVID-19's economical influence. In fact, Samsung has still produced a good result.

Samsung Electronics is developing more and is becoming one of the top global companies in the world. Also, we have to remember Lee Jae-yong's achievement as the present chairman and recognize his effort in making Samsung Electronics the top in the World.

By Borim Kang


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