The Most Influential People in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-07-16 10:30:59

History is something that we should not forget every moment in our lives. All students learn history, and it is an important subject to study. Like this, history is influential to people and important. So, there are many influential people in history like King Sejong and the fighters for national independence in South Korea. Many people know their achievements for our people because they were willing to sacrifice during a hard time in our history.

▲ Hunminjungeum

The first influential person is King Sejong who had many achievements for the people. He always considered people's life in place of their standing. So, he made policies about people's better life. He made the book about farming called Farming Direction. It was needed for the farmers to work better. Also, he made Jiphyeonjeon which is a place to develop politics and studies. King Sejong like debating, so he had to debate time with his workers. Also, he made Hunminjeongeum. It is based on Hanguel. At that time, people wrote Chinese characters when they should write. So, people could not read it well. Then, when Hunminjeongeum was created, people could read it. It is because it is easy to learn. Like this, people use Hanguel now. If King Sejong did not make it, people will still use the Chinese language.

▲ Taegukki, Korean national flag

The second most influential people in history are the fighters for national independence. Korea was under Japanese occupation. So, at that time, our culture disappeared and was destroyed. Also, our letters were banned. Then, the fighters for national independence took some action. they fought against the Japanese soldiers, so the Japanese soldiers were killed by them. However, they tried to keep South Korea's culture and letter. If it was not because of them, there would be no Korean culture, no ground, and not nation anymore.

There are many influential people in South Korea. There are King Sejong and the Fighters for national independence. Korean people are thankful to them. Now, South Korea has a peaceful life. We should remember always influential people in South Korea.


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